DaSET 2024 accepts only high-quality papers for its conference proceedings, which are subject to a thorough and objective review process of at least two (2) independent reviewers. Authors are invited to submit original unpublished manuscripts that demonstrate current research on one of the DaSET 2023 topics of interest. All submissions will be handled electronically. Papers with high similarity score are subject to be rejected. Authors are invited to electronically submit original research contributions in English.
The full paper submission can be done online at: https://daset2024.edas.info/
All submitted papers should be in the form of .doc, .docx or .pdf file using the following template:
DaSET-Springer-Word-format.docm (DOCM, 109 KB)
Authors are invited to electronically submit original research contributions
in English.
- The length of submitted manuscripts should not exceed 15 pages.
- Full papers: Minimum 10 pages and Maximum 15 pages.
- Over-length charges will apply for each extra page beyond 15 pages.
Submission deadline: 17th September 2024.
All accepted and registered papers of DaSET2024 will be published in the renowned series of
“Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies”
https://www.springer.com/series/15362 by Springer Verlag.