Keynote Speaker


Prof. Alfredo Cuzzocrea

University of Calabria, Italy
Title: MBigMDHealth: Supporting Multidimensional Big Data Management and
Analytics over Big Healthcare Data via Effective and Efficient
Multidimensional Aggregate Queries over Key-Value Stores

This presentation introduces BigMDHealth, a composite framework for sup-porting multidimensional big data management and analytics over big healthcare data. BigMDHealth adheres to the innovative paradigm that predi-cates engrafting multidimensionality into big data analytics processes. At a proper algorithmic layer, BigMDHealth focuses the attention on the issue of supporting multidimensional aggregate queries over key-value stores, as a fundamental op-erator of the main multidimensional big data management and analytics paradigm predicated by the framework.


Alfredo Cuzzocrea is Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. He is Head of the Big Data Engineering and Analytics Lab of the University of Calabria, Rende, Italy. He is also Research Fellow of the National Research Council (CNR), Rome, Italy. Previously, he has covered the role of Full Professor in Computer Engineering at the University of Lorraine, Nancy, France, where he held the Excellence Chair in Computer Engineering. He has also been International Senior Research Fellow of the ISITE-BFC Research Excellence Program of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR), France. He holds several visiting professor positions worldwide. His current research interests span the following scientific fields: big data, database systems, data mining, data warehousing, and knowledge discovery. He is author or co-author of more than 680 papers in international conferences (including CIKM, MDM, EDBT, SSDBM, PAKDD, DOLAP), international journals (including TKDE, JCSS, IS, FGCS, INS, JMLR) and international books. He is recognized in prestigious international research rankings, such as: (i) 1st World-Wide Scientist for Research Topic: “OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP)” by Microsoft Academic, Redmond, WA, USA; (ii) Top 2% World-Wide Scientist by METRICS, Stanford, CA, USA; (iii) Top Scientist in Computer Science and Electronics by Guide2Research, Clifton, NJ, USA; (iv) Top Researcher in Computer Science by SciVal - Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands; (v) Top Italian Scientist in Computer Sciences by Virtual Italian Academy, Manchester, UK. Similarly, his international bibliometric research indicators are of high values, as recognized by Google Scholar H-Index, Scopus H-Index, ACM Download Metrics, and DBLP Most Prolific Authors. His research results have been awarded largely. He is involved in several national and international research projects (including international research projects founded by the Horizon 2020 EU framework programme for research and innovation), where he covers responsibility roles.
