Keynote Speaker


Mr. Navin Sinnathamby

Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)
Title: Empowering The Agriculture Sector With Digital Agtech Adoption

It is a globally known fact that the agriculture sector was heavily affected with the decreasing GDP contribution, decreased toll of overall productivity, income, employment and unfortunately increased toll of food imports, however the big question right now is how to address these challenges. Complex question but surprisingly with straightforward response; Digital Transformation via Digital Agriculture Technology (AgTech) empowerment is now more than ever, highly crucial to empower the agriculture sector towards improving the overall productivity, income, reduce operational costs and ultimately improve the livelihood of our farming community.

Reiterating that there is a dire need for a mindset shift, away from perceiving agriculture as dirty, dangerous and difficult (3D) especially by the younger generation, when the true fact, agriculture is indeed getting 'sexier' and more 'lucrative' with the injection of Emerging technologies, including Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data Analytics and even Artificial Intelligence (AI) across the national agriculture sector.

Cross collaborations in active seeding of Digital AgTech in collaboration with key stakeholders and ecosystem partners are highly essential towards harvesting Digital Transformation across the agriculture sector with key focus on inclusivity, sustainability and scalability towards developing Digital Farmers, delivering impact at scale with Digital Economy for our nation; being truly #MalaysiaDigital.


Navin is the Head of Digital AgTech, Sectorial Pilots and DroneTech (Vertical Ecosystem), Ecosystem Innovation Growth (EIG), Ecosystem Development Division (EDD) in MDEC, overseeing disruptive technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data Analytics (BDA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as key innovation enablers across identified industry verticals to catalyze Digital Transformation towards boosting the growth of the National Digital Economy.

Navin leads key national initiatives under the Vertical Ecosystem Technology Innovation focus pillar; bridging both the demand and supply ecosystem towards digital empowerment at scale to deliver potential impact at scale, across key economic sectors. Navin brings with him over 16 years of industrial experience with a wide spectrum of roles covering stakeholder engagements, strategy planning, ecosystem building, professional training, business development, networking communication, program development and talent enablement with significant exposure to project management.

Navin holds a Masters in Electronics Engineering majoring in Telecommunication from Multimedia University (MMU) and advocates various esteemed National Implementation Task Forces and Advisory Committees.
